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Crochet Techniques

Foundation Double Crochet

This is a way of creating a foundation row of double crochet without working a chain first.

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Foundation Double Crochet step 1


Make two chain.

Foundation Double Crochet step 1


Insert the hook into the top of the first ch, making sure that it goes under the back loop so that you have two loops on the top of the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 2


Yoh and draw a loop through - 2 loops on the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 4


Yoh and draw a loop through the first loop - 2 loops on the hook

Foundation Double Crochet step 5


Yoh and draw a loop through both loops - 1 loop on the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 6a Foundation Double Crochet step 6b


Insert the hook into the top of the ch shown, making sure that it goes under the back loop so that you have two loops on the top of the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 7


Yoh and draw a loop through - 2 loops on the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 8


Yoh and draw a loop through the first loop - 2 loops on the hook.

Foundation Double Crochet step 9


Yoh and draw a loop through both loops - 1 loop on the hook.

Repeat steps 6 to 9 until the required number of dc has been worked.