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Rainbow Valley Shop

Sunday/Monday - Closed
Tuesday to Friday - 9am to 12pm, 1pm to 5pm
Late Nights Tuesday/Wednesday - 7pm to 9pm
Saturday (October to June) - 9.30am to 12pm, 1pm to 4pm
Saturday (July to September) - 9.30am to 1pm

Crochet Tutorial

Learn the Art of Crochet

Learning how to Crochet is easy.
This tutorial is all in UK terms with the US terms included.

US stitches are the same as UK, they are just named differently.   The easiest way to remember the difference is that, in general, UK stitches are named for the loops on the hook before you start taking any off.  US stitches are named for the spaces between the loops.

How to make a Granny Square    Continuous Joining    Working in to Fabric    Loop Stitch
Foundation Stitches    Twisted loop Fringe    Tapestry Crochet Coaster    Hints and Tips


If there is anything you would particularly like included, please contact me and I will see what I can do.

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